My Story
How it Began
I have suffered with rashes and sensitive skin issues my entire life. Shortly after having
my first child, my hands developed a rash that I struggled with for over 12 years.
This rash was very itchy and made my hands so dry that I would often get painful cracks in my fingers. Having
rashes on my hands made it difficult for me to do everyday simple things like cleaning my
house, washing dishes, bathing myself and my children.

I tried it all:
Years of trial and error
Dermatology treatments
Topical steroids
Allergy pills
Other “natural” soaps and lotions
I called my mother in total frustration to see if she had any suggestions. She told
me to search the internet for all-natural soaps. On this search, I learned about
goat's milk soap and decided to try it. It was the answer to my problem! After I
started to use it, my hands cleared up. Not only did the itch subside, but the
cracks healed and my hands were no longer dry.
How it's Going
Several months after I had discovered goat milk soap and the blessing it was to me; I was
praying to know what I could do to create additional income for my family. Nothing
I considered felt right until one morning, as I was pondering and praying, I
heard the words in my mind, "Make goat milk soap and sell it." I was so excited that I said out loud, "that is a great idea!". I began the
journey of learning all about goat milk soap and how to build a business, and
I've never looked back!
Since then, I have seen how my soap has blessed the lives of so many others
who have suffered with similar skin issues that I've dealt with for years. I have
been able to help my family and spend time with my children and grandchildren.
This business is benefiting so many people in ways I never could have imagined. I
now have several employees, most of whom happen to be family members.
I love working with my family and building a business established on
faith and integrity.

Jeri Anne Huffstutler
Owner, Southern Natural LLC

Southern Natural is located in Oneonta, Alabama. Each of our products is made
with the highest quality, natural ingredients. If you are in search of a soap that is gentle on
sensitive skin like eczema, psoriasis, acne or even babies, you have come to the right place!
We are devoted to producing the finest and most gentle products you've ever
used - so that my success story won't be the only one (and it’s not! Check out
some of our happy customers).