Goat Milk Soap - Handmade Soap

Happy Easter from Southern Natural

We hope you are doing well, and that you have a delightful Easter. Celebrating this holiday of hope and promise is such a joyous way to mark the change of the seasons.

Spring in Alabama can be unpredictable, with wildly fluctuating temperatures and thunderstorms, and we've certainly experienced our share already this year. It has been scary for many of us, and our hearts are with each of you during the work to rebuild and make a fresh start.

Spring is also a time of vibrant renewal and hope after the darkness and cold of winter, and that's what Easter is about for so many of us, isn't it? The storms sweep away the pollen and prepare the earth for new life, and the sun feels great after being cooped up indoors for months. Babies are being born - goat kids, chicks, and even human babies! Plants are poking out of the ground. It's like the whole world is waking up again.

Wherever you are and whatever your situation, we wish you a beautiful Easter, with lots of love and laughter. Take the time to enjoy the weekend and make lasting memories to enjoy for years to come.

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